I want to learn Archicad, where do I start?

I get this question ALL the time. And because I am who I am, I often drop everything I’m doing and respond, whether I’m asked via the Internet, over the phone, or in person. If you’ve read all seven hundred(ish) blog posts and articles that I’ve written since 2010 (this is number one hundred and one on BIM Engine in case you were wondering), you’ve probably come across much of this advice.

Saying goodbye to Missing and Duplicate Objects

Our quest for fast and efficient files continues. Somewhat soon I’ll shift the conversation to theory and modeling strategies, but we’ve still got some ground to cover when it comes to happy files. If you are just joining us, here are a few posts for you to catch up on. Some of these posts go back a few years, so don’t worry if you don’t remember them all, or if some of the techniques aren’t the newest of solutions…

How to keep files running fast and lean

Even the smallest of projects can get bogged down, decreasing the speed of everything from selecting an element to generating the 3D window. While ArchiCAD becoming sluggish is bad in itself, this slowness often raises the potential for file crashes. Even if a project doesn’t slow down, an ill-maintained and operated project can also cause more crashes than you should have to deal with.