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Charles Perkins Centre
The iconic Charles Perkins Centre is a leading research and education hub offering the next generation of researchers and practitioners a place to collaborate, train, mentor, learn and inspire.
Duke Ellington School of the Arts, USA
Making BIM fun, with Arch Willingham
Ask Arch Willingham about titles – or any other topic – and you’ll get a refreshingly honest answer that’s often followed by an invitation to join him for beer.
Getting into 'The Flow' is easy!
In this article, four new graduates from Gulliver Prep, Florida, share their work, and what gets them in ‘The Flow State’.
Flexible Learning at Gulliver Prep, FL
Take a look at the incredibly successful Architecture Signature Academic Program (ASAP) at Gulliver Prep, Florida.
Archicad, Adaptation, and Advancement: One Student's Journey to Success
Take a look at one Student’s journey from graduation to working with renowned firm KAA Design.
Renewing Your Archicad Educational / Trial License
Did you know that all students and educators have access to fully functional educational licenses of Archicad BIM software for as long as they are affiliated with an academic institution? Well, you can!
Enter the #graphisoftLEARN BIMproject Contest Today!
Use the course work you’re producing for credit as your entry in the #graphisoftLEARN BIMproject 2020 — a global competition for architecture students organized by GRAPHISOFT.
Mastering Archicad and Leaping Ahead as a Student
Top Ten Ways To Jumpstart Your Archicad Journey
We’ve updated some of Jared Banks’ top tips for getting started with Archicad!
Architecture Students Talk About the Best Ways to Start Learning Archicad
As a student looking for a career in the AEC industry, you have to learn how to use quite a number of BIM tools — But where do you begin?
Graphisoft North America BASECAMP 2019 Winners!
Congratulations to the two lucky graduating students who have been selected to represent North America at BASECAMP 2019! BASECAMP 2019 is an amazing opportunity designed to attract and educate talented students and set them on a path to become the next generation of Archicad champions.
Architecture Student to BIM Manager in 2 Years with a Little Help from Archicad
Jan Millán, a recent graduate and Archicad user, is entering his second year of work at +HoyStarkHagan Architects. The Tallahassee, FL-based firm hired Millán as part of an effort to integrate Archicad into the firm.
The “R” of VR for the Architecture Profession—and Students & Schools!
In the recently launched second season of By Design, GRAPHISOFT takes a candid look at how technology is transforming the present and future of architecture. Virtual reality (VR) is a technology so transformative, firms like KA Designworks (KA) built its own in-house development team to explore how such nascent technologies could be paired with 3D BIM design environments.
Building the Future with BIM
GRAPHISOFT North America recently hosted the first-ever Emerging Professionals Networking Event at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU).
Archicad 22 for Education: Free Download now Available
The latest version Archicad is now available for immediate download for Educational use via
Archicad Certification: Students, Increase Your Value!
That’s right, now you can take a test that certifies your Archicad knowledge. Don’t worry, we know the word “test” can spark some anxiety and you probably have a few questions. We’ve tried to anticipate some of them, so please read on!
Open BIM Exercise Gives Hands-On Education
The long-established love affair between architects and Legos spawned a unique education program – called the “BIM Lego Experience”.