Archicad Archive Files: let’s talk about the .PLA

If you use ArchiCAD, which presumably readers of this blog do (or soon will), then you’ve created a .PLN file before. This is like saying water is wet, or that videos showing how to model a TIE Fighter in ArchiCAD are mesmerizing. Quite simply, a .PLN file is the standard ArchiCAD file format. Unless we are working off the BIM Server, we are unconsciously working with .PLN files daily.

Hyperlinks and Archicad (Part 1)

Did you know that the PDF sets you have been printing for years are WAY more powerful than you ever knew? In fact, after reading this series of posts, you might stop printing physical sets altogether. Well that might be a little extreme, but you’ll WANT to stop printing sets— and not just because you could be buying everyone iPads instead of printing mountains of paper.