Lawson Design Inc.

The statement “it is fun to draw again” is how I feel having switch to Archicad!

– Gary Lawson

My first version of Archicad was version 6.5. I was an Autocad user from version 1.8 to desktop 2003. I was looking for a program that would do some things that I thought were important for my clients, such as creating photo-realistic images of buildings, material quantities and having the computer generate the sections and elevation from the model. I feel I went from drawing lines to designing buildings with this program switch. The statement “it is fun to draw again” is how I feel having switch to Archicad. The best client statement came from a Wyoming developer’s building department after I made a presentation at their office – “Do you mean we can show our clients what their building will look like before we build it?”. I enjoy developing buildings and being able to generate the plans from the model and find myself working on it everyday.

– Gary Lawson