Archicad-user Fink+Jocher Wins the 2007 German Architecture Award

Budapest, May 20, 2008 – Munich architects Fink+Jocher have been awarded one of the most acclaimed prizes for German architecture. The award is conferred biannually by E.ON Ruhrgas AG under the patronage of the Federal Chamber of German Architects.

The international jury awarded the prize for the Munich Technical University Student Residence Hall.  Dietrich Fink and Thomas Jocher’s work was recognized as a landmark solution for cohabitation in a university environment, as well as for the building’s sustainable design. The 112 apartment unit building is based on the concept of a platform, on which a wide variety of living concepts can coexist.
The design by Fink+Jocher prevailed against a field of considerably more spectacular designs including, for example, the Modern German Literature Museum by David Chipperfield and the futuristic library of the Free University of Berlin by Sir Norman Foster.