
Most important bugs corrected in Archicad 12 Hotfix (build 2262)*

  • 83038 FILE: Custom components (e.g. custom door panels) stop working properly if project is saved into PLA format
  • 81981 FILE: In special cases AC 12 files saved into AC 11 format on Windows 64-bit machines will not open in Archicad 11
  • 82736 FILE: In special cases solid fills appear with a symbol pattern when saving to PDF format (on any platform) or printing (on a Mac)
  • 81873 FILE: Save or publish module file with story range from upper floor downwards (e.g. 2 to 0) creates an empty module file
  • 80873 FILE: Saving PDF can be very slow if saved drawing contains lots of text (Windows only)
  • 82723 FILE/Hotlink: After deleting a story that holds elements originating from a multistory hotlink some hotlink elements appear on incorrect levels
  • 82220 FILE/Hotlink: After un-grouping elements in a hotlinked module, the elements are individually editable in the host file
  • 82448 FILE/Hotlink: In a file in which the model is far from the global origin point, hotlinked modules might be displaced after updating the hotlinks or re-opening the file
  • 82198 FILE/Hotlink: In special cases zone stamps in a hotlinked module are displaced
  • 81389 DESIGN: Corner window in walls connecting at a wide angle: redundant scraps of wall may be visible in 3D
  • 81496 DESIGN: Curtain wall setting window can be extremely wide if IFC tab page is enabled in Work Environment
  • 75476 DESIGN: Pictures in GDL objects’ symbol view or if defined with picture2 command in 2D script are not visible on floor plan
  • 68584 DESIGN: Side material of beams may change when intersecting with other beams
  • 82089 DESIGN: StairMaker does not calculate the layout of steps properly in case of winder stairs
  • 82000 DOCUMENT: ‘Fill Uncut Surfaces with’ parameter can not be changed in existing elevation’s settings
  • 82832 DOCUMENT: Can not copy Curtain Walls from 3D to 2D views.
  • 83205 DOCUMENT: Cutting the 3D model with the marquee tool ignores the light sources – rendering will be dark
  • 81711 DOCUMENT: Dimensions attached to a window with negative reveal: dimensions jump out of place when window is moved or stretched
  • 66221 DOCUMENT: Drawing with manually resized frame may disappear if its content is far from the global origin point
  • 80391 DOCUMENT: Fit frame to drawing for door schedules is not accurate, leaves empty space after the list
  • 82454 DOCUMENT: If an elevation’s status is set to ‘drawing’, it can not be reset to automatic or manual rebuild anymore
  • 80270 DOCUMENT: Importing a master layout from another file: drawing items on imported master do not show up in master layout view, although they are visible on layouts
  • 82474 DOCUMENT: In special cases elements may be missing from the 3D document after editing the source model view
  • 76844 DOCUMENT: In special cases some dimensions are lost in section views of files migrated from Archicad 9
  • 81882 DOCUMENT: In special cases when windows are connected by their edges or corners, the containing wall may disappear
  • 82613 DOCUMENT: It is not possible to change the display order of an element group
  • 81652 DOCUMENT: Rotating Interior Elevation marker leaves the marker positioned at a random angle
  • 82697 DOCUMENT: Turning 3D Document shadows and contours on/off cases strange shadow artifacts
  • 81755 DOCUMENT: Under special circumstances some shadow polygons are missing in 3D internal engine shadow casting
  • 81777 DOCUMENT: Wall end’s contour line is the wrong color if the cut fill of the wall is a single-skin composite
  • 83131 OPTIONS: Exploding an external drawing may overwrite attributes of the host file
  • 77910 TEAMWORK: Project Index Custom Text reverts back to original after Send & Receive
  • 83495 VIEW: If there is a large Curtain Wall in the project, element selection can be slow on floors where the Curtain Wall is not visible
  • 80619 VIEW: Image fill’s alignment changes when zooming in or out (Mac only)
  • 82074 VIEW: Navigating (panning) wth keyboard shortcuts does not refresh the screen instantly
  • 80825 VIEW: On some ATI graphics cards editing (e.g. selecting elements) in 3D may be very slow if screen resolution is set high
  • 80596 CRASH: When adding new node to existing dimension chain in section view, if some of the dimensioned elements are locked
  • 81941 CRASH: When choosing an elevation as a trace reference (intermittent)
  • 82411 CRASH: When navigating in a view in which there is a large PDF drawing placed (intermittent)
  • 82211 CRASH: When navigating in a view that has not fully opened yet Archicad may freeze
  • 80591 CRASH: When saving a fly-through movie, if navigator preview palette is open
  • 80847 CRASH: When saving XML file from Attribute Manager
  • 82609 CRASH: When splitting a circle that has arc length dimension attached to it
  • 80193 CRASH: When undoing a Curtain wall grid editing, if accessory is attached to the curtain wall frame
  • 81662 CRASH: When using Spell checker

* Compared to Archicad 12 Original Release (Build 2156)

Download this Hotfix

Note: This is a cumulative Hotfix that can be applied to Archicad 12 build 2156 or higher.