As the user of Archicad or other Graphisoft program, you must have one or more protection keys, containing the appropriate license(s), in order to run the program. The License Manager Tool (LMT) can be used to manage the keys you have purchased, whether hardware-based or software-based:
- A hardware-based protection key is a physical keyplug: either WIBU or CodeMeter.
- software-based protection key is a software-based license key.
Note: When you buy a software key, it becomes available to you online, from your Company License Pool – a virtual repository where you can access all your purchased licenses.
Note: LMT is automatically installed with Archicad.
The License Manager Tool runs on Mac OS X 10.10 or higher. How to activate Protection Keys on older systems.
The installer package of the Graphisoft License Manager Tool contains all components necessary to program and manage your protection keys. You do not need to install Archicad or any other software to use this tool. Contents of the installer package:
- Graphisoft License Manager Tool
- CodeMeter driver

- If you have a Hardware Key, it must be unplugged during the installation of the License Manager Tool.
- Install the tool with the help of the installation wizard.
- If a CodeMeter driver was installed, then you may need to restart your computer before you can run the tool.
After installing, the tool will be placed in: ‘/Applications/Graphisoft/License Manager Tool’ folder.
Note: To uninstall the application run the uninstaller at ‘/Applications/Graphisoft/License Manager Tool/Uninstall.LMT’ folder.

Start the License Manager Tool. With default install settings the tool is located at:
Applications/Graphisoft/License Manager Tool