BIM Data
An Archicad model can be described as a central BIM database that stores all project data and makes it accessible to any project stakeholder.
Archicad introduces a flexible way to classify elements according to any national or company standard classification system and makes available Archicad Properties that can be connected to any construction element or zone, based on any Element Classification.
Archicad enables the one-step import of BIM data that have been predefined in an external Archicad file (PLN, PLA or TPL format). With the Import BIM Content function, you can import the following BIM Content to your Archicad project:
- A Classification System
- Any Properties belonging to that Classification System
- The IFC Translator “Mapping” presets based on that Classification System:
- Type Mapping for IFC Import
- Type Mapping for IFC Export
- Property Mapping for IFC Export
If the BIM Content package below contains only the Classification System itself we provide it in XML format. These XML files can be imported in the Classification Manager.
How to use
Locate the desired classification standard in the table below and download BIM Content by clicking on the name of the standard.
In case of XML files go to Options > Classification Manager > click on the Import button.
In case of PLN files go to File > Interoperability > Classifications and Properties > Import BIM Content…
In the Open file dialog box, browse for the file that contains the classifications you need, then click OK.
Download Classification | Format | Version info | Description | Country/Lang. | Last mod. | |
Önorm 6241-2 | XML | 1.0 | 06.09.18 | The Önorm 6241-2 classification system and matched Properties were collected, revised and created in accordance with the ON-AG 011.09 standard in collaboration with the research project «freeBIM Tirol». For more information regarding this plase refer to | ||
Uniclass 2015 | XML | April 2020 | 28.05.20 | Uniclass2015 is a unified classification for the UK industry covering all construction sectors. Source: |
Uniclass 2 | XML | December 2013 | 12.09.18 | Uniclass 2 has been developed to produce a classification system for structuring information that is freely available for all participants throughout the life cycle of a project and beyond, which is endorsed by all construction and property bodies and professional institutions. Source: Tables:
CAWS | XML | November 2019 | 20.12.19 | CAWS defines an efficient and generally acceptable arrangement for specifications and bills of quantities for building projects. It consists of a set of detailed work section definitions, all within a classification framework of Groups and Sub-groups. Source: valid for Elements |
SFG20 | XML | October 2016 | 14.06.17 | SFG20 is the essential tool for facilities managers, building owners, contractors and consultants, enabling you to stay compliant — saving time, energy and money. Source: Version: edition: 1.1.0, release date: 10.05.2016, valid for elements/types |
RICS NRM 1 | XML | January 2015 | 14.06.17 | NRM 1 provides guidance on the quantification of building works for the purpose of preparing cost estimates and cost plans. It is the ‘cornerstone’ of good cost management of construction projects – enabling more effective and accurate cost advice to be given to clients and other project team members, as well as facilitating better cost control. Source: NRM_1_Guidance_Document NRM1.xlsx Version: edition: 2, release date: 01.01.2015, valid for elements/types |
RICS NRM 3 | XML | January 2015 | 14.06.17 | NRM 3 gives guidance on the quantification and description of maintenance works for the purpose of preparing initial order of cost estimates. The rules also aid the procurement and cost control of maintenance works. Version: edition: 1, release date: 01.01.2015, valid for elements/types |
NBS Create | XML | July 2017 | 22.08.17 | The UK Government Construction Strategy published May 2011 require collaborative 3D building information modelling (BIM). This requirement was defined as Level 2 BIM. NBS Create can be used as a key collaboration tool within a Level 2 BIM project. NBS Create can be linked to your design tool and the National BIM library to enable information to flow throughout a project resulting in coordinated, accurate design documentation produced efficiently and maximizing the benefits of BIM. | ||
MasterFormat | XML | April 2016 | 12.09.18 | MasterFormat®, a publication of CSI and CSC, is a master list of numbers and titles classified by work results. It is primarily used to organize project manuals and detailed cost information, and to relate drawing notations to specifications. Source: |
OmniClass | XML | May 2012 | 12.09.18 | The OmniClass Construction Classification System (known as OmniClass™ or OCCS) is a classification system for the construction industry. OmniClass is useful for many applications, from organizing library materials, product literature, and project information, to providing a classification structure for electronic databases. Source: |
ASTM UniFormat II | XML | E1557 | 18.09.18 | Construction project management using ASTM UNIFORMAT II improves building investment performance with proven standardized value engineering methods. The UNIFORMAT II classification enables a seamless link of all phases of a building life cycle — from facilities development through facilities management. Source: <!—UniFormat_2010.pdf —> |
2010 CSI UniFormat | XML | 2010 | 12.09.18 | UniFormat™ 2010 edition is a common elemental classification for the description, economic analysis and management of a building for its life cycle. Elements, often referred to as systems or assemblies, are major components common to most buildings that are identified as performing a given function regardless of the design specification, construction method, or materials used. Source: |
NATSPEC | XML | 2017 | 05.04.18 | NATSPEC is the Australian National Master Specification for use with projects of all types and sizes. For each project, you select the appropriate NATSPEC work sections from the National Classification System. Source: |
CBI (2 digits) | XML | 2019 | 06.09.19 | CBI (Co-ordinated Building Information) is a classification system designed by and for members of the construction industry, to co-ordinate the five main information sources: drawings; specifications; quantities; technical and research information; trade information and publications. Source: |
CBI (4 digits) | XML | 2019 | 06.09.19 | CBI (Co-ordinated Building Information) is a classification system designed by and for members of the construction industry, to co-ordinate the five main information sources: drawings; specifications; quantities; technical and research information; trade information and publications. Source: |
CCS (DK) | XML | April 2017 | 29.06.17 | CCS provides the building and civil engineering sector with a common language and methods for creating unambiguous exchange of information throughout the construction process from idea to operation. Source: |
CCS (EN) | XML | April 2017 | 29.06.17 | CCS provides the building and civil engineering sector with a common language and methods for creating unambiguous exchange of information throughout the construction process from idea to operation. Source: |
BIM7AA (DK) | PLN | v 3.2 | 10.05.18 | BIM7AA TYPEKODNING er en enkel og operationel kodningsstruktur af bygningsdele baseret på rådgiverens projekteringskrav, erfaringer, dansk byggeskik og ”best practice” fra komplekse til overskuelige BIM-projekter. Source: |
BIM7AA (EN) | PLN | v 3.2 | 09.04.18 | BIM7AA is a simple and operational code structure for building components based on consultant requirements and experience in design and planning, Danish building norms and ”best practice” from complex to manageable BIM projects. This package contains the BIM7AA v3.2 Classification definitions and its IFC Type mapping for export alike. Source: |
Rumsfunktionskoder – CC001_001_001 | XML | 001 | 25.07.17 | Malmö City Properties publication for room functions. Value list is set according to BIM Aliance SWEDEN for values to fi2xml export. Source: |
Rumsfunktion – CD002_001_001 | XML | 001 | 25.07.17 | Blekinge County Council publication for room functions. Value list is set according to BIM Aliance SWEDEN for values to fi2xml export. Source: |
Funktionskoder Regionservice – CD001_001_004 |
XML | 004 | 25.07.17 | Regionservice publication for room functions. Value list is set according to BIM Aliance SWEDEN for values to fi2xml export. Source: |
BIMTypeCode | XML | 1.0 | 19.10.18 | BIMTypeCode is a simple and logical coding structure of building elements based on the adviser’s design requirements, experience and best practice from complex to manageable BIM projects. Source: |
NS 3451 – Beygningsdelstabell | XML | 2009 | 28.07.17 | The NS3451 standard defines a classification and information coding systems for the AEC sector in Norway. Source: |
TALO 2000 Hankenimikkeistö | XML | 2006 | 22.09.17 | Rakennushankkeen toteutukseen ja ohjaukseen käytettävän tiedon peittävästi kustannusten näkökulmasta luokitteleva nimikkeistö. Hankenimikkeistö jakaantuu osiin, jotka kuvaavat fyysisiä rakennusosia ja tekniikkaosia sekä tehtäviä, kuten hanke-, kiinteistö- ja käyttäjätehtäviä. Source: |
TALO 2000 Building Component Classification |
XML | 2006 | 22.09.17 | TALO 2000 classifying the information used for the implementation and control of the construction project from a perspective of costs. The classification is divided into sections that describe physical building components and technology components as well as tasks such as project, real estate and user tasks. Source: |
SINAPI | XML | PCI.818.01 | 29.06.17 | Sistema Nacional de Pesquisa de Custos e Índices da Construção Civil. Source: CAIXA ECONÔMICA FEDERAL |
NL/SfB (4 digits) | XML | 2005 | 22.09.17 | The NL/SfB (4 digits) standard defines a classification and information coding system for the AEC industry in the Netherlands. Source: |
EcoQuestor | XML | 2014 | 22.09.17 | The EcoQuaestor defines a classification and information coding system for the AEC industry in the Netherlands. The classification is based on level4 of NEN2699. Source: |
STABU-Element (6 digits) | XML | 1991 | 28.06.18 | The STABU-Element (6 digits) standard defines a classification and information coding system for the AEC industry in the Netherlands. This standard is not supported anymore. Source: |
BB/SfB (3/4 digits) | XML | 1990 | 22.09.17 | The BB/SfB (3/4 digits) standard defines a classification and information coding system for the AEC industry in Belgium. Source: |
VMSW | XML | December 2015 | 02.07.18 | The VMSW standard defines a classification and information coding system for the AEC industry in Belgium. Source: |
CCTB-2022 | XML | 01.08 | 03.12.2019 | The CCTB-2022 standard defines a classification and information coding system for the AEC industry in French speaking Belgium. Source: |
GuBIMclass ES | XML | July 2017 | 05.12.17 | GuBIMclass has been developed by GuBIMcat (BIM Users Group of Catalonia) to produce a classification system of construction elements according to their main “function” and construction sequence within a BIM environment. Source: |
GuBIMclass CA | XML | July 2017 | 05.12.17 | GuBIMclass has been developed by GuBIMcat (BIM Users Group of Catalonia) to produce a classification system of construction elements according to their main “function” and construction sequence within a BIM environment. Source: |