Intellectual Property Notice

1. General

GRAPHISOFT is the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights included in the present notice- hereinafter collectively referred to as the “GRAPHISOFT Intellectual Property”). This notice is intended to provide guidelines for GRAPHISOFT licensees, authorized distributors, resellers, developers, testers, end users and other customers, furthermore any other third parties wishing to use Graphisoft’s Intellectual Properties (in particular but not limited to copyrighted works, trademarks, service marks or images, texts, graphics, icons, images, logos, taglines, software and source code etc. in promotional, advertising, instructional, or reference materials, or on their web sites, products, labels or in any other form.

Please note that any text, graphics, icons, images, logos, taglines, software and source code are subject to and protected by copyright, design, patent, trademark and other Intellectual Property rights (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “GRAPHISOFT Intellectual Property Rights”) that is intended to protect Graphisoft’s business and product identity.

Without the explicit written permission of GRAPHISOFT it is prohibited to integrate in whole, or in part, any of the GRAPHISOFT Intellectual Property made available for You either through publication on any of the GRAPHISOFT websites or in other way.

2. Permissible Use

You may use GRAPHISOFT Intellectual Property to identify Graphisoft products, services, and programs provided that your use meets the following guidelines:


GRAPHISOFT, Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, GDL are trademarks of GRAPHISOFT SE registered in the U.S. and other countries. GRAPHISOFT SE is the owner or licensee of all trademarks listed in the present notice. Therefore GRAPHISOFT SE is entitled for the exclusive use of these trademarks. Any third party’s use of these trademarks – in whole or in part without or in non-compliant manner to the prior, explicit, written permission of GRAPHISOFT SE is strictly prohibited. All other trademarks not attributed to GRAPHISOFT SE are property of their respective owners, which are subject to the owner’s permission.

You may generally use GRAPHISOFT trademarks, service marks, trade names and trade dresses to refer to the associated Graphisoft products or services. For instance, an authorized distributor or reseller can note in its advertisements that it is selling Graphisoft products. Similarly, a Graphisoft customer may issue a press release stating that it has implemented GRAPHISOFT software.


Unless you are licensed by Graphisoft under a specific written agreement, do not use the GRAPHISOFT logo, Archicad logo, or any other Graphisoft logos, symbols, or icons on or in connection with products, packaging, manuals, advertisements, promotional and sales items, websites or marketing materials (“Marketing Materials”) for any purpose.

Trademark Symbols

When referencing any GRAPHISOFT trademark, mark it with a TM or ® as indicated by Graphisoft. Use the TM or ® symbol with the most prominent appearance of the GRAPHISOFT trademark on any Marketing Materials, and the first use of the mark in text or body copy.


You are permitted to print and download parts of Graphisoft’s Websites for your own use,  provided that:

  • you avoid modifying any documents or their related graphics in any way;
  • you avoid using any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from any accompanying text.; and 
  • you include an acknowledgement alongside the copied material naming GRAPHISOFT as the author and publisher.

You expressly agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of this website or connected GRAPHISOFT websites or content, products or service made available via those sites.  If you intend to do so (except for personal, private use which does not pursue any direct or indirect commercial purpose), you shall obtain the prior, express, written approval of the right holder of the GRAPHISOFT Intellectual Property Rights

Slogans, quotes and taglines

You may not use or imitate GRAPHISOFT slogans, quotes and taglines whether registered or unregistered.

Photos of any person related to GRAPHISOFT in any way

If you wish to use a photo of a person related to GRAPHISOFT in any way in any company material (whether internal or not) you need to obtain the person’s prior, written consent prior to the use – unless the respective photo is already published and it is verifiably subject to free use.

Relationship of Products or Services

You may indicate the relationship of your products or services to Graphisoft products or services by using accurate, descriptive tag lines such as “generated using ARCHICAD software,” “for use with ARCHICAD software,” and “designed using Graphisoft tools” in connection with your product or service name. You may nor incorporate or include any GRAPHISOFT trademark in your company name, product or service name, or domain name. The names of your products or services may not be confusingly similar to any GRAPHISOFT trademarks.


All Marketing Materials bearing GRAPHISOFT trademarks should include the following trademark attribution:

“GRAPHISOFT, Archicad, BIMx, EcoDesigner BIMCloud are registered trademarks of GRAPHISOFT SE. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.”


Your company name and/or logo, your product or service name, and your graphic identity should be significantly larger than any reference to a Graphisoft trademark. GRAPHISOFT trademarks may not be the most prominent visual element on packaging, promotional items, web pages or other marketing materials. If your use includes references to a Graphisoft product, the full name of the product must be referenced at the first and most prominent mention (e.g., “GRAPHISOFT® Archicad® software”).

Trade Dress

You may not imitate GRAPHISOFT trade dress, type style or logos. For instance, do not copy GRAPHISOFT packaging for use with your product or display your product name in the distinctive logotype associated with the GRAPHISOFT logo.

Domain Names

Do not use GRAPHISOFT trademarks or any GRAPHISOFT Intellectual Property in your Internet domain name that is identical or similar to or in any way can be potentially confusing for consumers. This helps prevent Internet users from being confused as to whether you or GRAPHISOFT is the source of the Web site.

Sponsorship, Affiliation or Endorsement

You may not use GRAPHISOFT trademarks or any GRAPHISOFT Intellectual Property in any matter that directly or indirectly expresses or implies GRAPHISOFT sponsorship, affiliation, endorsement, certification or approval in relation to your product or service or in such a manner that it appears that GRAPHISOFT is legally associated with your company.


You may place a text link to a Graphisoft website if the text link is not a prominent feature on the site and is not used in a way that could confuse or mislead customers. You may refer to the GRAPHISOFT company name or GRAPHISOFT product or service in a plain text font and format, provide such use complies with all of these GRAPHISOFT Intellectual Property usage guidelines. Your text link must not portray GRAPHISOFT, our products and services or our affiliates in an offensive manner, or be misleading or false in any way. You may not use our trademarks as part of your link without our prior, express written consent for you to do so.

Social Media

You may refer to Graphisoft products or services provided that the information relates to Graphisoft products or services and that you include a disclaimer that you are not affiliated with, nor has the information been authorized, endorsed or otherwise approved by, Graphisoft SE.

User Groups

GRAPHISOFT generally permits use of its marks in group names that include phrases such as “user group”, “special interest group”, or similar words that clarify the relationship between GRAPHISOFT and the group and do not create confusion about the source of products. This applies only to user groups that are not formally doing business as commercial entities. If you are administering a user group that includes a Graphisoft trademark in its name, do not claim any trademark rights in the name or attempt to register the name or your logo with a trademark office, and do not register the name as a trade name or business name, or conduct any business under the name.


GRAPHISOFT permits use of its marks in single volume book titles (not magazines or periodicals) where such use is descriptive or referential. To avoid misleading the public as to GRAPHISOFT sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement, the GRAPHISOFT mark must not appear more prominently than the rest of the title, and do not use GRAPHISOFT logos on the cover. In addition, we request that you include a disclaimer of association with Graphisoft on the copyright page.

Additional Guidelines

Resellers, distributors, OEMS, and other parties who enter into written agreements with Graphisoft may be subject to additional guidelines. All other requests require written permission.


If you have any questions regarding GRAPHISOFT trademarks or require written permission, please contact GRAPHISOFT at

User Groups

User groups are communities organized by Graphisoft’s customers or partners to share their experiences, knowledge and ideas about Graphisoft products and services. They provide valuable feedback concerning problems and requirements of users that enable GRAPHISOFT to continually improve its products and offer new services.

Find a User Group

Other Resources

For discussion forums, blogs, news, updates and special promotions, check out the resources at


Except as expressly provided in the relevant Terms of Use, all information and content on this website requires the permission of GRAPHISOFT. Links to webpages, images, graphics or other content when permitted must credit the source of those materials and should not be modified or used in any way that changes its meaning or intent. To use any materials, complete the Permission Request Form or contact GRAPHISOFT at