Archicad 20 Update 4012
Archicad 20 Update 4012

This Update contains many improvements since the original release of Archicad 20, including macOS 10.12 Sierra specific fixes as well. If you would like to upgrade to macOS 10.12 Sierra, please make sure to install these Archicad & BIM Server Updates beforehand.
From version 20, Archicad and BIM Server are Updated with two separate packages. The Archicad package can only be used to update Archicad and the installed Graphisoft Add-ons and Goodies, while the BIM Server package can only update the installed BIM Server.
Tested for: Archicad 20 AUS, AUT, BRA, CHE, FIN, FRA, GER, HUN, INT, NED, NOR, NZE, POL, RUS, SPA, UKI, USA
Last modified: October 25, 2016.
Windows |
macOS |
420 MB
472 MB
Installation Notes
- The Update process will automatically search your computer for Archicad 20 (including MEP Modeler, EcoDesigner STAR and all Graphisoft Add-ons) and for GRAPHISOFT BIM Server.
- Make sure you have administrator rights on the computer. Start the full installation process using an administrator account.
- Make sure none of the Archicad components are modified (e.g. renamed).
- If you are updating a BIM Server, also make sure that you are logged in as the user who installed it originally. For Mac users: make sure to mount the installation dmg while being signed in with the administrator account that you always use to install or update Graphisoft products.
- After installing this Update connecting to License Servers with CodeMeter driver older than 5.00 will not be possible. In such cases the update of the License Server is necessary. CodeMeter Driver 5.22a can be downloaded from here.
For Archicad
- If you have multiple copies of Archicad on your machine, then the installer will automatically find one copy. If you want to update a different instance, you can use the “Browse” button to locate it. You will need to run the installer multiple times to update each copy of Archicad.
For Graphisoft BIM Server
- We strongly recommend to disable any virus checker for the time of the BIM Server installation.
- The BIM Server will be stopped automatically, during the time of updating the BIM Server application, projects will be suspended.
- If the BIM Server does not start immediately after installation, please restart the computer.
- On Windows Server 2008 R2 or Small Business Server 2011 you have to manually stop all BIM Server services prior to applying the update.
Deployed Installation of the Update
Using Deployed Installation it is possible to distribute and install Updates on multiple computers in an automated way.
Details on deployed installation and MSI package downloads
Important Note for Teamwork Users
Archicad client applications can be used for Teamwork by connecting them to a Graphisoft BIM Server or a Graphisoft BIMcloud. Teamwork requires Archicad clients and the BIM Server/BIMcloud to use compatible Build Numbers. In some cases the Archicad & BIM Server/BIMcloud Build Numbers are not identical, since GRAPHISOFT can release an update to either component only while still maintaining compatibility between them. The latest available Update from each product can be checked on our comparison site.
The relevant BIMcloud Updates download site can be reached here.
List of Improvements in this Update
This Update focuses on teamworking, editing and modeling enhancements and contains various fixes since the original release of Archicad 20.
Detailed list of improvements and fixed issues in Archicad 20 Updates
Previous Archicad 20 Update Downloads
- Update 3016 (only for macOS)