CAST Architecture


Hire people that you feel are good thinkers and designers, and then you deal with the training. It’s not insurmountable; it’s not a big issue.

CAST Architecture

“Training with Archicad has been very interesting. We originally thought we were at a big disadvantage when we were trying to hire, and explicitly looked for people with Archicad experience. That limits the pool, really substantially.”
“In Europe, [Archicad] has a much bigger footprint. What we found is that’s a pretty backward way of trying to figure out who you want to work with. It takes a month for someone to get facile with it, but if they’re using other BIM platforms, the features set and the menus might be different; but the core sort of the ideas within the program are similar enough to other programs.”
“You hire people that you feel are good thinkers and designers, and then you deal with the training. It’s not insurmountable; it’s not a big issue.”