Archicad Tops Rivals in UK Survey of User Satisfaction

Budapest, February 3, 2009 – A satisfaction survey in the UK, covering a cross section of the architectural community, has revealed detailed findings about the relationship of architects to their design software tools and their service providers.

Revelation Research, a UK-based business intelligence company, conducted a CAD user experience survey among UK architectural practices in November 2008. The study, reflecting the views of almost 1,000 architects, concluded that over 60% of architects in the UK still use a variety of 2D solutions as their primary design software. Archicad, the preferred software of 22% of respondents, emerged as the clear market leading BIM solution in the UK.
“We are very proud that the survey highlights Archicad’s pedigree as a mature and carefully crafted software aimed at meeting the many design needs of architects.” said Miklos Szovenyi-Lux, Vice President, Product Management at Graphisoft. “The survey also indicated that 83% of the Archicad users would recommend the product to fellow architects, which is a strong endorsement of our continuous effort to focus on our customers’ needs.”
To download a copy of the research findings go to: