Archicad by the Beach with BIM6x

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Once again, the the dynamic team at BIM6x has organized an Archicad dream-team of experts, product designers and BIM consultants to give you the very best training at their second Archicad by the Beach event. This October, the training that puts Archicad skills in your head and sand between your toes happens in beautiful Cabo San Lucas.

You’ll be taught how to maximize the power of Archicad by expert users and developers who will deliver actionable and reliable tips, tried and true techniques and real-world examples that you can start using right away. Talk about a memorable opportunity to network with high-end architects, business owners, managers and power users!
The training and lessons learned at Archicad by the Beach will last longer than your sunburn (wear sunscreen!) But seriously, all training presentations and example Archicad projects will be provided for attendees to take home with them. Choose to book private one-on-one sessions with any of the trainers via the “Archicad Concierge” service. No questions will be left unanswered. And all attendees will receive a 30-day email support system following the event. 

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This is not an all-work-no-play conference!
Registration also includes fun group events for attendees and their guests! You’ll be treated to an excursion to the ‘magical’ town of Todos Santos, for sightseeing, shopping and dinner at the town’s most stunning and authentic Mexican restaurant. BIM6x has also planned a final party aboard a 75′ catamaran that will cruise around Land’s End and along the Pacific Coast while everyone enjoys music, drinks and a Mexican fiesta as the sun sets.
This is an education-vacation like no other – one in which your significant other will have a great time too.

Early bird pricing for this Archicad by the Beach event ends soon – so register here!

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