Get real-time, secure teamwork between architects — regardless of the size of the design project, the location of the offices, or the speed of the Internet connection — thanks to BIMcloud. Work from anywhere without missing a beat, regardless of the size and location of your team or the complexity of the project. Scale BIMcloud to accommodate a growing number of projects and teams.
Building is a Team Sport

Work with architects and engineers around the corner or around the world on projects of any size or complexity. Seamless and transparent information exchange builds trust among team members, resulting in better building designs. Real-time notifications and clear visualization about relevant changes to the model result in accurate and timely decisions. Open standards and workflows mean collaboration is guaranteed regardless of what software team members are using.
We Are Open

OPEN BIM is a modern approach to collaboration that welcomes all software vendors, AEC practices (designers, engineers and builders) as well as building owners.
We are open. Open to working with the best partners for the job regardless of their software choices. Open to future-proof solutions, transparency, quality assurance and accessible data.
Great Design Starts with Communication

Our clients love exploring building models with BIMx. Anyone can use it!
Dmitriy Vasilyev, Archimatika, Ukraine