Archicad 20 Update

Archicad 20 Updates

Archicad 20 Update  <!–



This is a “Preview” Update available for the members of the Archicad community to test in advance of the Public release of the final Update. Based on the feedback from users this Preview will either become the final release or another Final Update package may be created in case any issues are found in this Preview.
WARNING: Proceed at your own risk! Do not install Preview Updates into your mainstream workflow without being able to roll back your server and client machines to the previous Update.


This Update contains many improvements since the original release of Archicad 20. This package updates only Archicad and the installed Graphisoft Add-ons and Goodies. To maintain compatibility, BIM Server needs to be updated to BIMcloud Basic with a seperate package, you can access it here.

To access the latest official Update for your Archicad, please use the “Check for Updates” command in the Archicad Help Menu.

Installation Notes

  • The Update process will automatically search your computer for Archicad 20 (including MEP Modeler, EcoDesigner STAR and all Graphisoft Add-ons).
  • Make sure you have administrator rights on the computer. Start the full installation process using an administrator account.
  • Make sure none of the Archicad components are modified (e.g. renamed).
  • If you have multiple copies of Archicad on your machine, then the installer will automatically find one copy. If you want to update a different instance, you can use the “Browse” button to locate it. You will need to run the installer multiple times to update each copy of Archicad.

Deployed Installation of the Update

Using Deployed Installation it is possible to distribute and install Updates on multiple computers in an automated way.
Details on deployed installation and MSI package downloads