BIM Manager Program

Illustration: image of the certification (ask Sági András)

The 5-day programme consists of three modules, namely BIM Office Management (2 days), Archicad Template Creation (1 day) and BIM Project Coordination (2 days), covering most of the aspects of BIM implementation and practical use at office, template and project levels.

Attendees who participate in the programme, are eligible to be awarded the Archicad BIM Manager Certificate, if they pass the three separate exams (one for each module) and provide an essay elaborating on their BIM experience and aspirations.

The certificate is valid for 2 years.



BIM Office Management

The BIM Office Management module focuses on the implementation process, the current reality around BIM usage, including standards around the world (e.g. ISO 19650), the new roles at office and project levels and the collaboration workflows. It provides an overview of the supporting material around BIM workflows, such as the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) and the Design Responsibility Matrix. It also provides an insight to the legal challenges that may arise for a practice which has undertaken BIM projects.

Download the brochure (Link to the downloadable pdf)


Archicad Template Creation

As the time and effort put into every project start-up are heavily dependent on the quality of the BIM authoring tool template that is utilized, it is worth investing in producing a quality and relevant template for the office needs. This module provides an overview of the responsibilities and technical knowledge of the responsible person for the template creation, in relation to the tasks of developing, managing and updating an office template. It summarizes the core activities and provides an implementation and audit methodology.

Download the brochure (Link to the downloadable pdf)

BIM Project Coordination

The BIM Project Coordination module focuses on the practical steps that a BIM Project Coordinator or Model Manager needs to take in order to ensure that a project in Archicad is set up in an optimal way for efficiency, speed and seamless collaboration with other disciplines. Workflows related to data management, documentation creation, level of definition/development, project optimization and project audits are explained in detail. Additionally, the coordination process is explained in practical terms, and tips around project setup and required data for purpose-based exchanges, are given for optimal collaboration between Archicad and Autodesk Revit in an OpenBIM environment.

Download the brochure (Link to the downloadable pdf)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the programme, attendees will: 

  • Have an understanding of all the current BIM standards, including ISO 19650
  • Be able to implement BIM in their practice using a structured approach
  • Be confident in analysing an EIR (Employer’s/Exchange Information Requirements) and compiling a BEP (BIM Execution Plan)
  • Learn how to develop and manage different areas of their Archicad template, such as its structure, data, naming conventions and QA mechanisms
  • Learn how to set up and manage different areas of a live project in Archicad, including hotlinking, attribute management and documentation creation
  • Learn how to approach specific modelling challenges in Archicad, such as split-level buildings, revisions and multiple renovation phases
  • Learn how to audit projects, to ensure model and data consistency, using both Archicad and Solibri
  • Be confident in setting up the IFC translators to achieve the best results when exporting or importing IFC files in order to collaborate efficiently with external consultants who use different software packages
  • Learn how to approach collaboration / coordination with other consultants using IFC models and managing issues through BCF


GRAPHISOFT organises several public events related to the BIM Manager Programme, called BIM Manager Weeks, throughout the year and all over the world. For more information on upcoming BIM Manager Weeks, visit the Events section. (link to a pre-filtered Events section to show only BIM Manager Weeks – is this possible?)