
Release Notes

Archicad 9 hot-fix (build-2219)

You can check the list of bugs addressed by this hot-fix here. Please follow the steps below to download and install the hot-fix:

  1. Download the hot-fix by clicking on the download link above
  2. Exit Archicad and PlotMaker before you start the installer
  3. Make sure that you have administrator rights to your computer
  4. Make sure that your Archicad installation was not modified*
  5. If Archicad was installed in a network make sure you are connected to the same network**
  6. Double-click on the downloaded file to start the installer***
  7. Follow the instructions of the wizard to complete the installation

* In case you changed components in your Archicad folder, we
recommend you reinstall Archicad 9 from the original install CD before
you apply the hot-fix

** Especially important for laptops

*** To run the installer Java2 v1.4.2 (or higher) has to be installed on your
computer. You can install Java2 v1.4.2 from your original Archicad
install CD