AURA Apart Hotel

AURA Apart, diseñado por Da Vinchi Group y Vatmanstudio, es un proyecto hotelero en Odessa, Ucrania. Los arquitectos se enfrentaron a múltiples desafíos durante el proyecto, como la ubicación en la playa, una zona sísmica y un terreno difícil, pero superaron estos desafíos usando Archicad. El proyecto ganó recientemente los European Property Awards.

Hungarian State Opera House

CÉH Inc. of Budapest, Hungary was tasked with the enormous job of measuring and modeling the Hungarian State Opera House. The combination of building surveying with geodetic methods and architectural 3D modeling, with the help of point cloud technology, made it possible to develop a detailed 3D model of this elaborate building while it remained in use. The final model is being used for the ongoing renovation process and will be used later for the management of the historic building as well.

Charles Perkins Centre

Archicad 21’s iconic signature building is Sydney University’s new Charles Perkins Centre.
This leading research and education hub offers the next generation of researchers and practitioners – working in the fields of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases – a place to collaborate, train, mentor, learn and inspire.

Magoda Project

The Magoda Project is a series of eight prototype houses located in Tanzania. Designed in collaboration with the local community, the prototypes are prime examples of innovative architecture used to enhance health and well-being in sub-Saharan Africa – a region highly prone to infectious diseases, acquired in and around the home.

Södersjukhuset (South Hospital)

Image credits: Linn Areno / Archivisuals / Brick Visual About LINK arkitektur LINK arkitektur is one of the leading architect firms in Scandinavia, in terms of turnover, the number of employees and the number of projects completed annually. As a business model and philosophy, LINK has chosen to allow their 15 offices with approximately 450 employees […]