List of Improvements in Archicad 23 Solo Updates

The Update 5006 contains various enhancements and fixes since the original release of Archicad 23 Solo.

New Feature

New 3D navigation mode for Remote Desktop Applications

A new navigation mode called Joystick has been introduced in the Explore Model function, that ensures reliable navigation in 3D via Remote Desktop Applications.


  • ARCH-6264 CRASH/MODEL: Junctions calculation between walls and other elements failed and sometimes led to a crash when the cross section of the wall disappeared. (e.g. 0 height or 0 thickness).
  • ARCH-6527 CRASH: Archicad could crash at startup with ArchiLogs add-on.
  • ARCH-9316 CRASH: Archicad could crash if a new line character was in the autotext.
  • ARCH-6495 CRASH: Archicad sometimes crashed while zooming in and out on a 2D view.
  • ARCH-6280 CRASH: Opening the renovation filter options sometimes crashed Archicad.
  • ARCH-7998 CRASH: Placing a rotated object with trace & reference turned on sometimes crashed Archicad.
  • ARCH-7180 DOCUMENT/CRASH: The favorites of incompatible tool/line types could be applied, for instance an arc could be applined to a line tool favorite leading to a crash.
  • ARCH-7888 DOCUMENT/CRASH: Archicad could crash while using “Label Components of Selected Elements” for a curtain wall.
  • ARCH-10849 DOCUMENT/CRASH: Archicad crashed after activating the dimension tool in a project with a curved beam with one zero end-length.
  • ARCH-5575 DOCUMENT/CRASH: Archicad sometimes crashed during background zone calculations for placed drawings.
  • ARCH-4843 DOCUMENT/CRASH: Archicad sometimes crashed if a detail marker was placed in the annotation view of a 2D preview in an interactive schedule.
  • ARCH-5742 DOCUMENT/MODEL: Graphic override rules were not applied on mesh cut lines.
  • ARCH-5686 DOCUMENT: 2D elements in layout were affected by graphic override rules.
  • ARCH-6403 DOCUMENT: Dimensions were not associating correctly to complex profile hotspots.
  • ARCH-6272 DOCUMENT: Graphic override did not apply to 2D previews of elements in an interactive schedule if they were placed on a layout.
  • ARCH-8869 DOCUMENT: Incorrect pens were assigned to the new lines after exploding a PDF.
  • ARCH-6189 DOCUMENT: Moving Layers by “Append” or “By Name” in the Attribute Manager replaced the first Layer with the Archicad Layer.
  • ARCH-8318 DOCUMENT: Same 2D plan preview generated in Schedules for different walls.
  • ARCH-11269 DOCUMENT: Setting the same ID by building material/complex profile with element ID manager did not work for columns and beams.
  • ARCH-9067 DOCUMENT: Some drawings were constantly updated although no changes were made.
  • ARCH-9158 DOCUMENT: Switching renovation filter did not update graphics override rules of columns and beams in sections and elevations.
  • ARCH-7035 DOCUMENT: Zone’s door width parameter sometimes gave wrong values when the zone was bounded by curtain walls.
  • ARCH-7050 DOCUMENT:”Layout Number in Subset” displayed an incorrect value on layout if it was preceded by a multi-page Layout.
  • ARCH-5929 DOCUMENT:Rows of a schedule sometimes stuck and overlapped themselves in the header after applying “Freeze Schedule Header”
  • ARCH-6717 EDIT/CRASH: Adding a transom to a curtain wall sometimes made Archicad crash.
  • ARCH-7770 EDIT: Only rectangular method was available with zones when using “Add to Polygon/Subtract from Polygon” .
  • ARCH-5898 EDIT: Unexpected shapes were displayed in 3D window while some elements disappeared.
  • ARCH-3745 EXPORT/CRASH: A project map list could not be published.
  • ARCH-6713 FILE/SAVE/CRASH: Archicad sometimes crashed saving a MOD file because of preview generation.
  • ARCH-6604 FILE/SAVE/FREEZE:Background processing of 3D documents sometimes interrupted the saving process causing Archicad to freeze.
  • ARCH-8320 FILE/SAVE: There was an issue saving projects on cloud-synced folders under macOS.
  • ARCH-3765 HOTLINK/CRASH: Home story handling sometimes caused the hotlink update to crash.
  • ARCH-8610 MODEL/CRASH: Views set to invalid renovation filters crashed Archicad.
  • ARCH-3616 MODEL/CRASH: A cross section with 0 height and/or 0 thickness values sometimes crashed Archicad.
  • ARCH-9447 MODEL/CRASH: Archicad sometimes crashed with a view switch that changed the story and enabled all layers.
  • ARCH-4845 MODEL/CRASH: Heap corruption caused by corrupted complex profiles crashed Archicad.
  • ARCH-8276 MODEL/CRASH: Modifying angle of a curtain wall in 3D sometimes crashed Archicad if the curtain wall had a negative offset for the reference line.
  • ARCH-8965 MODEL/CRASH: Some curved beam instances crashed Archicad in 2D.
  • ARCH-8784 MODEL/CRASH: Sometimes Model View Options became unavailable in a project and later crashed Archicad upon project launch.
  • ARCH-6412 MODEL/DOCUMENT/GDL:Navigation between tabs sometimes was slow because of schedules of railings.
  • ARCH-9554 MODEL/SPEED: Slowness in response when 3D Cutaways were enabled.
  • ARCH-4697 MODEL: The GDL model was not rebuilt in the Fly-Through animation.
  • ARCH-5633 MODEL: Associative railing placed on spiral stair had some missing panels.
  • ARCH-7566 MODEL: Beams called from favorites would not be visible in any stories after placing.
  • ARCH-8782 MODEL: Change in WALL_THICKNESS GDL parameter resulted in wrong reveal depth for custom door objects.
  • ARCH-5629 MODEL: Cut bodies sometimes slowed navigation in 3D mode.
  • ARCH-6426 MODEL: Slanted columns lost their priority based connection with the wall if the slant edge was not 90°.
  • ARCH-7564 MODEL: Complex profile walls could not connect their reference line automatically by touching the outer skin.
  • ARCH-11538 MODEL: It was not possible to establish the connection with Grasshopper on macOS Catalina.
  • ARCH-9331 SPEED: Junction handling of beams was slower in Archicad 23 than its previous version.
  • ARCH-5931 SPEED: The amount of model view option combinations had an effect on how fast favorites were loaded.
  • ARCH-10088 SPEED: There was a lagging in editing a zone’s shape on floor plan, when model view options openings were set to display.
  • ARCH-7409 USER INTERFACE: Archicad editing window became grey when 2D Drawing hardware acceleration was turned off on macOS.
  • ARCH-6163 USER INTERFACE: Headroom settings were incorrectly managed amongst model view options for sections/elevations, 3d, and 3d cutaway views.
  • ARCH-6603 USER INTERFACE: Searching the font list by pressing a key has been enabled on Windows too.
  • ARCH-7767 USER INTERFACE: Startup dialog did not show any recently opened files.

The Update 4010 contains various enhancements and fixes since the original release of ARCHICAD 23.

  • 259707 BIMx/MODEL/DOCUMENT: Fit to skin option of building materials worked incorrectly on layouts in BIMx Hyper-models.
  • ARCH-4236 CRASH: A Solid Element Operation with a Curtain Wall and a Morph sometimes crashed ARCHICAD.
  • ARCH-3971 CRASH: A Solid Element Operation with a Mesh sometimes crashed ARCHICAD.
  • 262165 CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed at start on macOS when the current username and system drive’s name matched.
  • 259577 CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed during publishing BIMx Hyper-model due to the size of the legacy information in the original BIMx format.
  • ARCH-3500 CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed when entering the curtain wall editing mode if pick-up or inject were used prior to entering the edit mode.
  • 268180 CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed when placing Drawings from a PLN file that was saved from a previous version.
  • 261466 CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed when re-importing Expression Based Properties from XML.
  • 267195 CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed when using “Split Stair Structure” command.
  • 265453 CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed while browsing for a file to open if a template from an older version was the last opened template.
  • 267656 CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed while canceling the creation of a stair that had a virtual trace that referenced a view with a different pen set than the current one.
  • 267892 CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed while converting CalendarDate type properties in IFC.
  • 260703 CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed while exporting to IFC curtain walls with frame width less than twice the connection depth.
  • 253063 CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed while processing fills that earlier versions did not have a problem with.
  • 267593 CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed while processing the mitering of walls where a profile did not have a single component.
  • 248643 CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed with an incorrectly defined profile in an IFC file.
  • ARCH-3529 CRASH: ARCHICAD incorrectly handled an internal error in stair creation and crashed.
  • ARCH-3725 CRASH: ARCHICAD on macOS 10.14 sometimes crashed when a project was closed.
  • ARCH-4775 CRASH: “Internal Add-on Error! Interactive Schedule Add-on Terminated” error message could appear when opening Component Schedule.
  • ARCH-5957 CRASH: Excessively large bug reports sometimes were created.
  • 259331 CRASH: Inconsistent values in the Calculation Unit settings caused a crash.
  • ARCH-3870 CRASH: Migrated ARCHICAD 20 projects that contained custom Complex Profiles crashed ARCHICAD 22.
  • 263103 CRASH: Touchbar option on macOS to update story crashed ARCHICAD.
  • 260041 DOCUMENT / FREEZE: Calculation performance of Interactive Element Schedules degraded with the inclusion of railings in a project.
  • ARCH-4251 DOCUMENT: Changes missed from the revision history.
  • ARCH-4830 DOCUMENT: Complex profile column reduced zone area incorrectly.
  • 263634 DOCUMENT: Detailed marker replication with copy/paste unexpectedly changed in ARCHICAD 22, which resulted in undesired results with modifications or deletions of the copied detail marker to the original detailed marker.
  • ARCH-4658 DOCUMENT: Dimensions didn’t change after switching between standards.
  • ARCH-4383 DOCUMENT: Dimensions sometimes shifted in the layout book.
  • 262590 DOCUMENT: Drawing order was incorrect for morphs converted from other kinds of elements.
  • 266961 DOCUMENT: Elevation Dimension Texts had incorrect positions on layouts.
  • ARCH-5872 DOCUMENT: End Surface of columns was called incorrectly “Oberfläche Seiten” in the German version.
  • 258275 DOCUMENT: Expression values listed in schedules were not visible on layouts.
  • 261234 DOCUMENT: Expressions’ STRCALCUNIT function didn’t handle the imperial units correctly.
  • ARCH-4013 DOCUMENT: Font size of Flächenberechnung (area calculation) changed in an uncontrolled way.
  • ARCH-4716 DOCUMENT: Graphic Override rules did not apply on Skin Separators using the Solid Line type.
  • ARCH-3886 DOCUMENT: Length values of Flächenberechnung were controlled by the settings of the Calculation Unit of Area and not from the Length Unit Settings.
  • ARCH-4368 DOCUMENT: Newly created Clone Folder(s) had all their settings as N/A.
  • 260089 DOCUMENT: Reduction of zone area was not displayed in Wohnflächenberechnung.
  • 267879 DOCUMENT: Sections and elevations were rotated on views opened from view map.
  • 260303 DOCUMENT: Symbol fills containing multiple fills in its pattern were incorrectly displayed on screen.
  • ARCH-4525 DOCUMENT: The published Fly-Through had double sized resolution on macOS.
  • 254813 DOCUMENT: The schedule did not react in time to rapid edits of text resulting in the text being deleted.
  • 259546 DOCUMENT: The transparent background fill pen was sometimes not applied on vectorial fills. The background fill stayed solid white.
  • ARCH-4528 DOCUMENT: Transparency of images wasn’t handled correctly in printing.
  • ARCH-4833 DOCUMENT: When items had different masses in Schedule, it was not possible to combine them using Merged Uniform Items option.
  • 88088 DOCUMENT: Zone areas were sometimes calculated incorrectly with complex profile walls.
  • ARCH-3566 DOCUMENT/CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed when viewpoints containing roofs were drag-and-dropped onto layouts.
  • ARCH-3707 DOCUMENT/CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed when viewpoints were drag-and-dropped onto layouts.
  • 168194 EDIT / DOCUMENT: Display order between Wall and Morph was different on View and Layout.
  • 267662 EDIT: Adjust command did not work with Polyline extension.
  • ARCH-4064 EDIT: Column with bottom above floor plan cut plane did not display on floor plan with option “symbolic cut”.
  • 259772 EDIT: Cutting a zone by a roof happened at the wrong height.
  • ARCH-4052 EDIT: Reset Custom Structures command did not work on hidden and custom stringers.
  • 246838 EDIT: Roof ridge height was not editable if it was located more than 50 meters above its home story.
  • 266750 EDIT: Save all current views did not work with Interior Elevations.
  • 187943 EDIT: The intersect command could not be applied to polylines.
  • ARCH-5577 EDIT: The snap tool didn’t work correctly with a wall contour which has trace and reference on.
  • 268254 EDIT: The split command didn’t select elements.
  • ARCH-4066 EDIT: Wrapped columns that touched a wall did not display on layout.
  • 251970 EDIT/CRASH: ARCHICAD was not thread safe with image handling.
  • ARCH-4315 FILE/BIMx/EXPORT: BIMx files could not be exported if the folder path was too long, or the number of paths were too many.
  • ARCH-4211 FILE/DOCUMENT: The Linked Markers published to PDF did not work properly.
  • 267213 FILE/OPEN: Could not open projects with ARCHICAD 23 by double-clicking on the project in Windows file explorer.
  • 268105 FILE/OPEN: Drawing manager links that did not include the protocol (afp/smb) blocked the opening of project with ARCHICAD 23 on macOS.
  • ARCH-4777 FILE/Open: Project Browser could not open project files from some remote mountpoints on macOS.
  • 260523 FILE/OPEN/CRASH: ARCHICAD crashed when opening a file from START Edition 2011 because Find and Select criteria were incorrectly converted during the file migration process.
  • ARCH-4541 FILE/PDF/EXPORT: A layout published to PDF from ARCHICAD 23 had all text missing if the source was from an external drawing that originated from ARCHICAD 22.
  • ARCH-4735 FILE/TXT/IMPORT: Unable to use Replace Attributes function using TXT file with Profiles.
  • 252373 FILE/XLSX/EXPORT: Spreadsheets from schedules had the Preview Pictures hanging out of their cells.
  • ARCH-4260 FREEZE: A search in the favorites palette became unresponsive if favorites used autotext.
  • ARCH-4478 FREEZE: ARCHICAD 22 became unresponsive opening a DWG file including complex fills.
  • 259471 FREEZE: ARCHICAD froze when switching display order.
  • 264410 FREEZE: Uniclass Classification import in Teamwork caused software freeze.
  • 247481 GDL/CRASH: Deleting a handrail with a corrupted Top Rail End element crashed ARCHICAD.
  • ARCH-5017 MODEL / FREEZE: Project performance degradation occurred while using Trace&Reference and Organizer at the same time.
  • 267622 MODEL: 3D Projection Settings could not be opened in Orbit mode.
  • ARCH-4263 MODEL: Beam without fill didn’t show holes.
  • 267746 MODEL: Columns could not be exported to C4D when they were set to be “grouped by material”.
  • ARCH-3526 MODEL: Editing number of Risers or Riser Height of a Stair sometimes crashed ARCHICAD.
  • ARCH-3937 MODEL: Flight-End “dx” value of Stair maximized the Flight-Start “dx” value on Floor Plan.
  • 256187 MODEL: Home Story Offset reverted to zero after Box Stretching.
  • ARCH-4343 MODEL: In section, the edges of intersecting slabs did not display even with the layer intersection group set to 0.
  • ARCH-4492 MODEL: In the Profile Editor, Nominal Size couldn’t be associated to hatch-vertex if there was a Hotspot on it.
  • 267150 MODEL: Openings on curve Slanted Wall did not follow the Wall plane if the Reference Line was on the Inside Face.
  • 263728 MODEL: Parameter transfer between curtain wall elements failed.
  • 260054 MODEL: Railing position flipped upward when Model View Option was changed from “Full” to “Simplified”.
  • ARCH-5308 MODEL: Some migrated columns had different anchors points than the source ARCHICAD version from which they were migrated from.
  • ARCH-3989 MODEL: Stretch command didn’t work in the Russian version of ARCHICAD.
  • ARCH-4495 MODEL: Tab-button did not have effect while associating nominal values in the Profile Editor.
  • ARCH-4010 MODEL: Top Stempel could not be placed if all the Zones had a “New” Renovation value.
  • ARCH-4671 MODEL: Unselected elements were invisible in 3D when Zones were set to be displayed.
  • ARCH-4176 MODEL: Wall top couldn’t be linked to story.
  • 257252 MODEL/DOCUMENT: Curtain wall panels had wrongly overridden cut fills in section.
  • ARCH-4668 MODEL/DOCUMENT: Pens were incorrectly overridden in sections and elevations.
  • 260656 MODEL/EDIT: Changing IDs of curtain walls with the Element ID Manager modified their schemes.
  • ARCH-4585 MODEL/FREEZE: Opening sections and elevations took long because of custom grid parameters.
  • 246274 MODEL/FREEZE: Railings degraded project performance. The workaround was to convert them to morphs.
  • 247925 OPEN/CRASH: ARCHICAD sometimes crashed as a result of opening multiple instances.
  • 266844 PERFORMANCE: IFC import created compressed LCF files. Compression is no longer done by default, since project performance is better with non-compressed LCF libraries.
  • 267161 USER INTERFACE: After Starter dialog disappeared, the EULA stayed in the background.
  • ARCH-4661 USER INTERFACE: Custom Dimension Sets could not be deleted in ARCHICAD 23 JPN.
  • 267586 USER INTERFACE: Headings in tool settings dialogs turned dark on macOS 10.14 in Dark Mode.
  • 267361 USER INTERFACE: Text tool couldn’t resize text box if offset was hidden.
  • 259799 USER INTERFACE: The favorite palette sometimes interfered with object parameter modifications.
  • 266189 USER INTERFACE: The OpenGL 3D window could turn grey when connecting to an Airplay screen.
  • 260548 USER INTERFACE: Upon startup, Input Language on Windows switched to different layout.
  • 266078 USER INTERFACE: Zoom and pan could jump back to a previous state.