Archicad aids in the design of award winning Women's Hospital

Budapest, July 24, 2007 – The Christchurch Women’s Hospital is Chow:Hill’s largest single building project to date. The company provided services as health planner, architect and project manager. Chow:Hill received the New Zealand Engineering Excellence Award for their effort.

Many months of close consultation with hospital staff has generated a facility design that reflects modern healthcare services and a realistic project budget. It is also one of the very few seismically base-isolated structures in New Zealand, designed to remain standing in case of an earthquake. With a full complement of services – from theatres to radiology – the building is intended to operate as a stand-alone crisis unit in case of civil emergency
“Over the 15 years that we have been using Archicad at Chow:Hill, the type of projects we have been working on have just gotten bigger and more complex. As the scale of these projects increased, we witnessed a significant change to the core business benefits we experience when using Archicad: From a design tool first and foremost, to increasingly a means to managing building information and its flow”, says Darryl Carey, a Director at Chow:Hill, Auckland, New Zealand.

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