The 1996 Archicad PRIZE Student Competition culminated on May 25 at the Royal Academy of Art in Copenhagen with the award of more than $50,000 of prizes including hardware configurations, traveling fellowships, and software. This year’s competition, which drew almost 100 entries from a dozen countries, asked students of architecture to use Archicad® and Quicktime® VR to create architectural models of works of literature and culture such as «The Abbey» from Unberto Eco’s Name of the Rose, «The Labyrinth» from Greek mythology, and «The Hotel California» from the song by the Eagles.
This year’s Archicad PRIZE was co-sponsored by the American Institute of Architectural Students (AIAS), Apple Computer, Progressive Architecture Magazine (now part of Architecture Magazine), and The Architectural Review.
All of the projects were judged by an international jury which included Prof. Robert Oxman (Technion University of Haifa, Israel), Prof. Herbert Kramel (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Prof. Zhao Chin (Nanjing University, China), Mr. Alexandre Georgievski (First Secretary of The Architecture Department of Russian Fine Arts Academy, Russia), Ms. Catherine Slessor (Deputy Editor of «Architectural Review,» U.K.), and Mr. Shannon Krause (Student of Architecture/AIAS Representative, USA). Beyond overall design quality and creativity, the jury evaluated each project for innovative artistic interpretation of Apple’s new Quicktime® VR technology and overall harmony between different forms of multimedia techniques.
The winning projects are:

First Prize: Paul Bo Peng, University of New South Wales & Sam Guo, University of Sidney – Australia.
Hotel California from the song, «Hotel California» by the Eagles
Archicad + PowerMac 9500 configuration + Traveling Fellowship for two.
Second Prizes (2): Artur Urbanski & team, Technical University of Lodz (Poland).
The Abbey from Umberto Eco’s «The Name Of The Rose»
Archicad + Traveling Fellowship for two.
Akos Ignac Ginder & team, University of Belgrade (Yugoslavia).
The Cenotaph for Newton from the project by E.L. Boullée
Archicad + Traveling Fellowship for two.
Third Prizes (2): Raoul Tomada & team, Fachhochschule Münster Fachbereich Design (Germany).
The Pharos of Alexandria
Archicad student version + Traveling Fellowship for two.
Eduardo Luis Boza, Intern, Washington DC (USA).
Hotel California
Archicad student version + Traveling Fellowship for two.

Honorable Mentions:
Thomas Hamlin, Montana State University (USA).
The Abbey
Archicad student version
Inke Ivány & team, Technical University of Budapest (Hungary).
Camelot from the Legend of King Arthur
Archicad student version
István Pölös, Technical University of Budapest (Hungary).
The Knossos palace in Crete
Archicad student version

In addition to the prizes awarded at the international level, local competitions were held in the United States, Germany, and Hungary with prizes donated by Apple Computer. Graphisoft will publish a CD ROM catalog of the winners and other selected entries this summer.
Background about the competition
One of the most exciting recent technological achievements in the computer industry is the arrival of «Virtual Reality» on personal computers available through Apple Computer’s QuickTime VR technology. The potential of freely navigating within a rendered scene by simply moving the mouse creates new opportunities for the exploration of three-dimensional space. Graphisoft’s Archicad is the first application with the ability to produce its own Quicktime VR movies directly from the project file.
Last year Graphisoft, the developer of Archicad, announced a worldwide competition open to all students and interns of to demonstrate Archicad’s and Apple’s revolutionary new computer-based visualization technology. Using Archicad as a design tool, and Quicktime VR as a visualization tool, competitors were invited to interpret works which have been destroyed or never physically existed, but are nevertheless «real» in our culture. Sample topics included «The Abbey» from Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose, The Hanging Garden’s of Babylon, The Cenotaph for Newton, and «The Hotel California» from the Eagles song of the same name. Through these projects, Quicktime VR technology and Archicad were used in an unprecedented design process with a unique emphasis on realizing the architectural content of myths, legends, literary works and musical pieces while exploring the potential impact of technology on architectural design.
Background about Graphisoft
Graphisoft R&D Software Development Rt., founded in Budapest, Hungary in 1982 , develops, sells and supports Archicad available for Apple Macintosh, Power Macintosh, Microsoft Windows , Windows95 and Windows NT platforms. Archicad is sold over 70 countries and in 18 languages. Graphisoft is dedicated to providing the highest quality service and support to more than 25,000 architects and builders through its offices in Budapest, San Francisco, München, Tokyo, Hong Kong and hundreds of professional resellers and distributors worldwide.
Archicad is an integrated two- and three-dimensional CAD package for architectural design and the recipient of several awards including 1994 Best New CAD Software by MacUser Magazine (Eddy Award), «best architectural CADD» for five years in a row by the Boston Society of Architects, a four-star rating by MacWorld Magazine, and selected as a FIRST PLACE WINNER in the prestigeous Computer Graphics World`s 1995 Editors’ Choice Awards at the end of last year.
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Sales & Marketing Dept.
Phone: (36.1) 467 3010
Fax: (36.1) 467 3099