Obtain Emergency License
With an emergency license you can run Archicad for 7 days if your key is lost, damaged or defective. You are allowed to obtain an emergency license 2 times in a year. Call your distributor or local technical support to confirm the lost, damaged or defective key. You will not receive a replacement automatically.
Archicad detected that you have used a keyplug with a valid Software Service Agreement the last time, which enables you to obtain a temporary license activation code. Click the “Generate Temporary License Activation” button below.
Activation code:
Copy the activation code and paste it into the “Obtain Temporary License” dialog in Archicad that appears during the temporary license activation process. It looks like this:
Click the “Check Activation Code” button and follow the instructions.
Restart Archicad. When Archicad starts, it will inform you about the number of days remaining of your emergency license.