List of Improvements in Archicad STAR(T) Edition 2015 Update
This Update contains various enhancements and fixes since the original release of Archicad STAR(T) Edition 2015 and makes it compatible with MAC OS X 10.11 by fixing a critical problem existing in the previous build of Archicad STAR(T) Edition 2015 on MAC OS X 10.11.
MAC OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) related fixes
- 193182 USER INTERFACE: Items from drop-down menus could not be selected on MAC OS X 10.11 (El Capitan).
Other fixes
- 182875 BIMx: File upload was not possible with project name containing double byte (Japanese) characters.
- 194889 BIMx: In some cases Layout didn’t match 3D model in BIMx mobile. This could happen when the View that was placed onto the Layout used both Rotate Orientation and Fit in window.
- 167893 BIMx: Project Preview image was not uploaded to the BIMx Transfer Site.
- 190067 CRASH/EDIT: Under certain SEO operations Archicad crashed.
- 146490 CRASH: Archicad couldn’t be run on Mac with the Allegro font type.
- 154244 CRASH: Degenerated Polygon caused crash when switching PBC mode.
- 184222 CRASH: Log Home Solutions crashed when generating wall elevations.
- 185328 CRASH: opening certain schedules made Archicad crash.
- 186413 CRASH: Some files made Archicad crash if they were saved with an Interactive Schedule window open.
- 192820 DOCUMENT/CRASH: Archicad crashed with a certain file when right-clicking on a schedule and choosing the “Place on Layout” option in the Navigator/View Map.
- 186228 DOCUMENT: A parameter value list was missing in a customized zone stamp because of Japanese characters.
- 186746 DOCUMENT: Boolean data types were not exported to .XLS format when an Interactive Schedule was saved.
- 193876 DOCUMENT: Cell Line was missing in Interactive Schedule.
- 184205 DOCUMENT: Door, Window markers with Core Only structure display remained visible if the wall with the door or window didn’t have a core layer.
- 188412 DOCUMENT: If a custom profile column was placed under the Floor Plan Cut Plane, it wouldn’t display on the Layout.
- 186905 DOCUMENT: In Schedules, Zone Areas were sometimes erroneously rounded.
- 184587 DOCUMENT: Interactive Schedule: parameter script did not run on objects linked to scheduled objects before displaying values.
- 185796 DOCUMENT: Interior Elevations were placed on Layout rotated as if they were linked to orientation setting.
- 185034 DOCUMENT: Layout data modifications of a Project Index/Sheet Index were not saved into the PLN file.
- 186517 DOCUMENT: Layouts and their source views did not match sometimes.
- 186397 DOCUMENT: Library parts were missing and an error message appeared when opening an Archicad file from the previous Archicad version. The embedded library part could not be written.
- 186594 DOCUMENT: Saving a PDF with Grayscale or Black/White could in particular cases result in erroneous PDF files.
- 188883 DOCUMENT: Text was missing from a Publish/Saved PDF if the box containing the text in Archicad was not entirely on the layout even though the text within the text-box was entirely on the layout.
- 190866 DOCUMENT: The ‘adjust polygon outline’ command on the pet palette of drawings in the Layout book only accepted changes bigger than 3mm.
- 175890 DOCUMENT: The display order of custom labels/markers could be different in the View map and in the Layout book.
- 187491 DOCUMENT: The floor plan representation of a door disappeared in a composite wall when it was intersecting with a profile wall.
- 175275 DOCUMENT: The subtitles of Sun Studies (and Construction Simulations) are added to the frames instead of saving them as a separate file.
- 184363 DOCUMENT: When a 3D Document was placed on a Layout the 3D vector fills were always displayed independent from the Model View Option Settings.
- 187203 DOCUMENT: When Placing a Drawing, the last used pen settings were enabled, and this couldn’t be changed after it was placed. As a result, it displayed correctly in Archicad, but when published, the pen settings were enabled (eg. the drawing turned grey).
- 190176 DOCUMENT: When you mapped the IFC name of the beam to display the name of the complex profile, in the Beam selection settings, it displayed “Missing” instead of the profile name.
- 172543 DOCUMENT: When you renamed a layout in the publisher set or duplicated it the naming rule lost the connection between the 2 names, and modifying one didn’t affect the other.
- 184343 DOCUMENT: Zone areas were sometimes calculated wrong.
- 187284 EDIT/GDL: Parameter’s value displayed incorrectly in a text field containing a VALUES command.
- 193054 EDIT/SPEED: Changing the ID of multiple Doors/Windows took a very long time on Floor Plan.
- 191894 EDIT: A slanted wall with a centered reference gave incorrect feedback while drawing when its slant angle was set to 90 degrees making the slanted wall effectively a normal wall.
- 194829 EDIT: Adding skins to certain Composite structures could cause Archicad to crash.
- 182538 EDIT: Applying a favorite to a placed zone, the area came up as zero. When the favorite was re-saved, it seemed to inherently remember the area from which the favorite was created.
- 184353 EDIT: Attribute file didn’t work when the KeyNotes palette (CadimageTools) was opened.
- 177654 EDIT: Changes weren’t stored in Favorites Preferences if Parameter Exclusion was set to Group by Parameter.
- 191897 EDIT: Changing a roof’s pitch while a roof accessory was attached to it, the layer of the accessory got turned off. Other roof accessory improvements.
- 183159 EDIT: Custom Origin of 3D Textures on Slabs reverted back to the default value when the Offset Edge Pet Palette command was in use.
- 186667 EDIT: Editing database files with GDL Data I/O Add-on could result in Archicad freezing and crashing.
- 177210 EDIT: Explode into Current View option was grayed out on Sections/Elevations for GDL Elements.
- 183830 EDIT: Gravity to Roof didn’t work properly if PSD was set to Core Only or Without finishes.
- 192683 EDIT: Hiding Mark-Up entries using the Mark-Up palette or Model View Options didn’t take effect on Trace and Reference, Sections, Elevations and Layouts.
- 182668 EDIT: It was impossible to snap to hotspots of items on trace reference if Model View Options of the active and the traced views provided different hotspots.
- 186529 EDIT: Manual input of value Z in tracker for editable hotspot was impossible in 3D window.
- 153461 EDIT: Modifying the Extension value in a Grid system resulted in misplaced Grid Lines.
- 184559 EDIT: Radial Dimensions couldn’t be edited at the centerpoint with the Stretch Radial Dimension Pet Palette command.
- 183238 EDIT: Slab thickness value was wrong in tracker under certain circumstances.
- 186665 EDIT: Some Symbol types of certain GDL objects could temporarily disappear when Line/Pen parameters were changed.
- 169314 EDIT: The drawing height was incorrect when placing a DWG file with drawing tool.
- 186705 EDIT: The GLOB_ELEVATION parameter didn’t work in label object for curtain wall.
- 185638 EDIT: The penset that was selected when opening the 3D window was not applied again if you switched to another penset while in the 3D Window.
- 190457 EDIT: The Rotation angle of an Object was incorrect when the Relative to Orientation option was set and the Orientation was rotated.
- 182721 EDIT: When changing parameter values in the Object Settings Dialogue it was not possible to use the TAB key to move from one parameter to another if you have changed the value of the parameter.
- 177316 EDIT: When editing stairs on a Section/Elevation changes couldn’t be applied to Selected stairs.
- 183144 EDIT: When you drew a wall in 3D, joining another wall, its vertical position went wrong.
- 182606 FILE/3DS/EXPORT: In some cases the hidden elements in the 3D window were exported to 3ds.
- 187896 FILE/3DS/IMPORT: Some 3DS files could not be imported because they exceeded the supported size in geometry.
- 172143 FILE/DWG/IMPORT: Certain DWG files could freeze Archicad on open.
- 186321 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: A Drawing could lose its Paper Space position when exported using a template in DWG.
- 178147 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: Certain language specific character encodings were not exported from Archicad to dwg.
- 186319 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: DWG template created in Archicad could result missing dimensions in the exported DWG file.
- 166428 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: When importing an Archicad file to AutoCAD, the dimension marker with an original black fill did not change from black to white upon import.
- 165327 FILE/DWG/EXPORT: When project containing national characters was exported to DWG texts became incorrectly fragmented.
- 194388 FILE/DWG/IMPORT/CRASH: Importing certain DWG files caused Archicad to crash.
- 186420 FILE/DWG/IMPORT: A DWG file with rotated 3D elements couldn’t be imported correctly, the rotation of the elements changed in Archicad.
- 172243 FILE/DWG/IMPORT: Upon importing a DWG to Archicad, certain hatches made the import fail and gave an error Code.
- 172547 FILE/DWG: DWG Translators located on a file server were duplicated on every Save of the Translator Settings.
- 185656 FILE/EXPORT: Incorrect result in Excel when exporting numbers from IES, greater than 1000, with digit grouping.
- 185742 FILE/GSM/SAVE: Certain planes disappeared, and materials changed of a multi-plane roof after saved as an object.
- 193561 FILE/IFC/IMPORT: Non-horizontal IFC Beams were imported with wrong geometry.
- 165801 FILE/IFC: Reopening IFC file exported with the the “Convert 2D Symbols of Doors and Windows” parameter switched on, openings were replaced by black dots.
- 183303 FILE/SAVE: At opening a particular file the scale has been always set to 1:100 even if the file was saved with other scale settings.
- 186407 FILE/SAVE: Saving a particular AC18 file to AC 17 did not work.
- 183781 FILE/XYZ/IMPORT: .xyz mesh surveyor data file was imported with redundant 3d elements at the perimeter of the 3dmesh.
- 191047 FREEZE/DOCUMENT: Updating interactive schedules in the Layout book could cause infinite updating loop under certain circumstances.
- 182921 FREEZE/MODEL: Using of thin log wall could cause freeze in Archicad.
- 186432 GDL: GDL parameter array for editable 3D hotspots did not work.
- 194171 GDL: The value of the global GLOB_LAYER of objects was not displayed correctly in the Object Selection Settings dialog if this global was used in the parameter script of the object.
- 194302 MODEL: Changing Floor Plan Display options of openings (in Model View Options) affected the 3D model.
- 184002 MODEL: Limited Story showing settings in the Filter and Cut Elements in 3D dialog could be accidentally changed by copying and pasting an element on the Floor Plan.
- 187194 MODEL: Mesh ridges did not get updated if the mesh nodes were moved with marquee in floor plan.
- 183604 MODEL: The result of SEO was not visible if a slab connected to four columns at their edges.
- 184236 MODEL: The separating line was missing at junctions of different materials.
- 187717 MODEL: When imported an Archicad17 project into Archicad 18, the connection of walls went wrong.
- 187010 MODEL: Windows could become dislocated in the containing walls if the model was merged into a new file with the “preserve geometry” option.
- 189926 SHELL EXTENSION: Print process of iTWO application was interrupted by Graphisoft Shell Extension under certain circumstances.
- 189315 SPEED: A label using IFC data created via requested zone information processed very slowly, giving the appearance that Archicad was freezing.
- 188055 SPEED: Archicad did not release memory (RAM) after updating drawings in the layout book and it could cause performance issues.
- 182393 USER INTERFACE/MAC OS 10.10 YOSEMITE: Palettes could disappear/turn transparent after switching to another Archicad Window with Apple’s Application windows function on OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
- 193183 USER INTERFACE/Windows 10: On Windows 10 the Open and Save dialogs could not be resized after they had been maximized.
- 195063 USER INTERFACE/Windows 10: When one started Archicad 19 on Windows 10 Operating System, shadows under windows effect was switched off.
- 180763 USER INTERFACE: Following the placement of guidelines with the Alt+L shortcut, the guideline menu deactivated, greyed out.
- 190957 USER INTERFACE: In 3D view the feedback drawing was slow.
- 189475 USER INTERFACE: It was impossible to work with two screens arranged in certain ways with Archicad SE 2015 on Yosemite.
- 187229 USER INTERFACE: On the Photorendering Settings dialogue the link to the Maxon’s website was broken.