Starting with macOS 11 Big Sur, CodeMeter Hardware keys with 3rd party Kernel Extension don’t function anymore:
“future OS releases will no longer load kernel extensions that use deprecated KPIs by default.”
To be able to continue using CodeMeter Hardware protection keys on macOS 11 and later, they need to be configured as HID (Human Interface Device) rather than KEXT (Kernel Extension) on an earlier macOS version. The CodeMeter Protection Key Updater tool automates the conversion procedure and it is available both for Windows and macOS. For more information on the conversion please read our FAQ article.
Launching CodeMeter Protection Key Updater

Locate the desired OS version in the list below and launch the installer.
Note: the Updater requires the CodeMeter driver version 5.0 or above and an active internet connection for the time of the conversion. For more detailed requirements of the conversion process please check our related Help Center article.
Application | Windows | Mac OSX | Last modified |
CodeMeter Protection Key Updater | 58.9 MB | 7.3 MB | Mar 6, 2018 |

Important: When installing CodeMeter Protection Key Updater, you must be logged on as a member of the Administrator Group.
Double-click the downloaded executable file. The installer wizard will automatically start and guide you through the rest of the installation.
Mac OS X:
Double-click on the downloaded file to be automatically mounted by the system. Then double-click on the CodeMeter-Protection-key-updater application. The installer wizard will automatically start and guide you through the rest of the installation.